Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Holidays in Oyster Bay Activities Announced
A full schedule of events is planned as well, starting on Thursday, December 4th. As part of the First Thursdays promotion, participating stores will stay open until 8pm. Special entertainment and retail promotions will entice people to visit downtown.
Events Occurring Downtown
Free horse and carriage rides will be available the first two Saturdays of December from noon-4pm. These will leave the Oyster Bay Railroad Museum Preview Center at 102 Audrey Ave and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Saturday, December 6, at 4:15pm. This traditional holiday event will include singing, a reading of The Night Before Christmas, and lighting of a large holiday tree in the park by the Derby-Hall Bandstand. John Canning will reprise his role as Master of Ceremonies, and performers from area schools will lead the audience in singing of carols. Refreshments will be served.
YogaRocks! will offer a free class, "Yoga for a Street Free Holiday Season" on December 8, at 7:30pm. Five essential techniques for relieving stress and achieving inner peace will be taught. YogaRocks! is located in downtown Oyster Bay at 127 South Street.
The annual Chanukah Menorah Lighting will be held Wednesday, December 17 at 5:30pm by the Derby-Hall Bandstand across from Town Hall. Rabbi Demant of the Oyster Bay Jewish Center will lead lighting of the candles. He will be joined by singers from the Jewish Center. Refreshments will be served.
Area historical attractions will be featured Saturday, December 13. Raynham Hall Museum (20 West Main Street) plans a “Meet Mrs. Claus” event from 11am-1pm with storytelling, goodies, and a small take-home present. Cost is $8 for members and $10 for non-members.
Special Holiday Performances Planned
The 7th Annual HPS Benefit Christmas Concert will be held in the Oyster Bay Performing Arts Center at Oyster Bay High School on Friday, December 5th at 7:30pm. The Long Island musical group "J" will feature the music of JoAnn Criblez and John DiGennaro. The concert is free though any donations collected will help benefit people with Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS). For more information visit
A second concert will be provided by the choir of the Hood AME Zion Church (corner of South and Summit Streets) on December 13 starting at 4pm. A reception will follow, hosted by the Oyster Bay Historical Society at the nearby Earle-Wightman House (20 Summit Street).
Carriage rides will again be available from noon-4pm on Saturday, December 13. Later that evening from 6pm to 8pm carolers will stroll throughout the downtown and nearby neighborhoods, spreading holiday cheer.
Another concert will be held on Sunday, December 14 at 3pm in Christ Church (61 East Main Street). The Long Island Baroque Ensemble will present their annual holiday concert with music from different cultures and heritage. This will be performed by singers accompanied by an array of Renaissance instruments. Cost is $20 for general admission, $15 for senior citizens, $10 for students, and free for children under six.
Holidays in Oyster Bay is made possible through the generous contribution of sponsors including the Oyster Bay Chamber of Commerce, the Oyster Bay Civic Association, the Oyster Bay Main Street Association, and the Rotary Club of Oyster Bay.
For more information on the activities and other special events, please visit
Monday, November 17, 2008
Podcast of Oyster Bay Main Street Association 2008 Annual Meeting
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Project for Public Spaces to be Keynote Speaker at MSA Annual Meeting

The Project for Public Spaces ( is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public places that build communities. Their community-led placemaking process has resulted in improvement of places as diverse as Bryant Park, downtown Detroit, and creation of marketplaces throughout the US.
Renee Espiau is a Senior Associate with the Project for Public Spaces. Renee is an Urban Planner with a diverse background in transportation policy and planning, having worked for a state Department of Transportation, a transportation think tank, and the non-profit sector. She is an advocate for incorporating Smart Growth, context-sensitive, and multimodal strategies into transportation and community development projects.
Speaking of her work Renee says, “I strongly believe in building relationships with project stakeholders in order to create innovative solutions that benefit a wide constituency.” She added, “I look forward to making my first visit to Oyster Bay”.
Stephen Tilly Architects will also be present to provide their findings on preservation options associated with the historic ca. 1851 Octagon Hotel. This landmark building is located at the corner of Spring and West Main Street and is now being considered for redevelopment. The Gerry Charitable Foundation and the Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities both provided technical assistance and financial support to help commission this report.
The Christ Church Parish Hall was selected as the venue to celebrate the recent successful completion of a renovation and preservation project that improved this historic building and the surrounding grounds.
As with most regular meetings of the Main Street Association, the meeting will begin with reports from the President, Executive Director, and each of MSA’s four committees.
The Main Street Association is led by President William Sheeline and Vice President Ellen Roche. Committee chairs include John Bonifacio, Organization Committee; Diane Meltzer, Promotion Committee; Ellen Roche, Design Committee; and Jack Bernstein, Economic Restructuring Committee.
The Main Street Association is based on the four-point approach for commercial district revitalization established by the Main Street Center of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This approach has proven to be the most successful economic development initiative in small to medium sized communities throughout the US.
The Main Street Association was incorporated and received its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in 2001. Anyone wishing to become a member may do so online by visiting or calling (516) 922-6982.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Holidays in Oyster Dinner Fundraiser to be held Nov. 3

The Light Up the Holidays Dinner Fundraiser will be held at Wild Honey on Monday, November 3 at 7pm. Guests will be treated to a delicious four-course meal. A silent auction and raffle will add excitement to the festivities. Favors will also be provided for guests from The Chocolate Lady - a chocolaterie that recently opened on Audrey Ave.
Proceeds will go towards purchasing an additional thirty snowflake lights to be hung on lamp posts lining Audrey Ave and poles leading into town. Remaining funds will go towards special holiday activities the first three Saturdays of December in Oyster Bay.
Options are available for those wishing to be sponsors or purchase tickets to the event. A gift of $1,000 or $2,000 will give five free tickets the dinner and an opportunity for a logo and name to be placed on the cover of all publications. A gift of $250 will give two free tickets to the dinner and display of the donors name in publications.
For those wishing to just attend the dinner and not interested in sponsorship options, tickets are still available for $100 apiece.
Holidays Committee chairperson Michele Browner says, "We're pleased with the number of reservations received to date and look forward to celebrating at this fundraiser with many more involved members of this community."
Reservations are still available and may be made online at or by calling (516) 922-6982.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
School Superintendent's V-Blog about Upcoming Events
This October 8 "Superintendent's Message" V-Blog has important information about upcoming school and community events. Narrator is Dr. Phyllis Harrington, Superintendent of the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Chocolate Lady Opens in Downtown Oyster Bay

The store is the culmination of Lee Perrotta’s decades-long passion for chocolate. Trained as a chef in Europe and with experience as a fine artist, she combines these talents to create unique works of the white, milk, and dark varieties.
The chocolate lady developed a loyal following over many years teaching cooking classes at the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library. Earlier this year she and her edible works were featured in a solo chocolate fine art show at the Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site.
Opening of the Chocolate Lady store was a classic case of good timing. “Fortunately for Lee this was the right time and the right place,” said Michael Goldstein a close friend of Lee’s who was actively involved in preparing for the store opening on Saturday, October 4.
When asked what her store is all about, Lee said, “custom, hand-made, hand-dipped truffles, fudges, chocolate games, chocolate cards, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.”
Stepping inside the door, one is struck by how accurate this description is. Every square inch is filled with sweet treats, beautiful artistic and hand-crafted objects, and various other chocolate ephemera.
“We are thrilled to have the Chocolate Lady joining us in downtown Oyster Bay,” said Isaac D. Kremer, executive director of the Oyster Bay Main Street Association. “The unique hand-made one-of-a-kind products they make are a perfect fit for our one-of-a-kind historic downtown.”
Perrotta plans to be open during the Oyster Festival on October 18 and 19, and welcome visitors to the downtown during the Theodore Roosevelt Sesquicentennial Parade the following week on Saturday, October 25 at 1pm.
An official Grand Opening is being planned for Saturday, November 8. Hours of operation for the Chocolate Lady are Mon. to Thur., 10am to 8pm, Fri. and Sat. 10a to 6pm, and Sunday 12 to 5pm. Those with questions may contact The Chocolate Lady at 516-922-2002 or visit
Sunday, September 28, 2008
TR Honored with Historic Street Banners in Downtown Oyster Bay

The photograph of Roosevelt on the banners is taken from around the time he organized and led the First United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, better known as the Rough Riders. This regiment was formed after Spain declared war on the United States in 1898 and valiantly served its country in Cuba.
Included with TR's picture is text that reads, "Welcome to Oyster Bay, 1653" and "Home of Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States." The purpose of the banners is to create a welcoming and inviting feeling for people visiting the downtown.
Roosevelt himself would frequently pass through the downtown area, going from the Oyster Bay Railroad Station to his home at Sagamore Hill about 3 miles away. Roosevelt had offices as Governor and President, first in the Octagon Hotel, then the Oyster Bay Bank Building, and finally in the Moore's Building where the popular Wild Honey restaurant is located today.
According to Jim Bruns, president of the Theodore Roosevelt Association, "TR will always be a part of Oyster Bay's past, present and future. It was his hometown, where he raised his family, where he worshipped and where he wished to be buried. Today, TR's legacy can be seen throughout the hamlet."
The Oyster Bay Main Street Association was responsible for managing the banner project. Since 2001 the Main Street Association has worked on improving public spaces, facades, and signage. They have also encouraged collective marketing of the many historic cultural attractions in and around Oyster Bay.
Main Street President Bill Sheeline says about the project, "this is a perfect blending together of our interests in history, preservation, and improving the hamlet."
The Oyster Bay Chamber of Commerce and Theodore Roosevelt Association also supported this project. Alex Gallego, President of the Chamber said, "we should celebrate our relationship to TR because this is one thing that makes us different from every other place."
This year also marks the occasion of the 150th anniversary of TR's birth. Among the events to celebrate this milestone will be an old-fashioned hometown parade on Saturday, October 25 at 1pm, starting at the Boys and Girls Club on Pine Hollow Road and ending at the Derby-Hall Bandstand.
Sagamore Hill National Historic Site will have a "Family Festival" on Sunday, October 26, with traditional music and storytelling, children's crafts and activities, demonstrations and exhibits, pony rides, and food vendors. A "Birthday Celebration" on Monday, October 27 from 11am-4pm will feature a flag raising ceremony, the U.S. Navy Band, a commemorative postal station, and birthday cake cutting.
Opportunity to Assist in Beautification
Banners are the latest addition to ongoing efforts meant to beautify and improve the hamlet. This past spring volunteers from several area organizations were involved in a Community Clean Up Day to keep the sidewalks and streets looking clean. Forty hanging flower baskets were soon added to lampposts downtown, bringing beauty and color to Oyster Bay throughout the spring and summer months.
In an effort to keep pace with the season, mums and other fall-appropriate decorations will be added to the downtown in the coming weeks. Then for the holidays the traditional decorations will be supplemented by 30 additional snowflakes added at special locations along Route 106 and leading into town.
Volunteers are welcome to participate in a Community Clean Up on Saturday, October 4 at 9am. A group will gather at the Derby-Hall Bandstand and then disburse to locations throughout the town.
Those who would like to participate in beautification activities in Oyster Bay or who wish to make a contribution are encouraged to contact the Oyster Bay Main Street Association at 516-922-6982 or visit and make an online donation.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Man Who Would Be Teddy Roosevelt, and Is
A Man Who Would Be Teddy Roosevelt, and Is
Published: July 27, 2008
WHEN James Foote opens his closet, he has lots to choose from: a Spanish-American War uniform, hunting attire, a frock coat, a pith helmet, a Rough Rider campaign hat, a Panama hat, and top hats, both silk and beaver.
Mr. Foote, 59, who lives in Sea Cliff, needs it all, as he logs 20,000 miles a year portraying Theodore Roosevelt in speeches and interviews. He has been playing T. R. for more than 30 years, from Huntington High School to a White House Easter Egg Roll.
Recently, Mr. Foote took part in a National League of Cities event at Mount Rushmore, where he saw his friends “the Rushmore Boys,” as he calls them — re-enactors who play Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington, the presidents whose faces are carved on Mount Rushmore along with Roosevelt’s. “Jefferson,” Mr. Foote said, “is one of my best friends.”
Mr. Foote has also been seen on the History Channel, C-Span and “The Colbert Report,” on which, as Mr. Foote recalls it, Stephen Colbert asked him if the Spanish-American War was a great imperialist war or the greatest and if Roosevelt had anything to apologize for. “I have nothing to apologize for,” Mr. Foote said firmly.
The life and legacy of Roosevelt, the 26th president and New York’s 33rd governor, are being remembered this year, the 150th anniversary of his birth. Mr. Foote will be busy at the Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, Roosevelt’s longtime home here, helping to celebrate. The culmination begins on Oct. 25 and ends on Oct. 27, Roosevelt’s birthday.
On July 4, Mr. Foote gave speeches both at Sagamore Hill and in downtown Oyster Bay.
“By Jove, isn’t it a bully day for a celebration of the birth of this nation?” he declaimed from the bunting-draped Derby-Hall Bandstand here, his pince-nez glinting in the sun.
Afterward, to the strains of the “Sagamore Hill March,” he strode into the crowd shaking hands, patting children on the head and having his picture taken.
“We almost feel as if he is Teddy Roosevelt, he’s been doing this so many years,” said Ann Wulff of East Norwich, who has seen Mr. Foote at many community celebrations.
He looks very much like Roosevelt, who died in 1919. Mr. Foote, who likes to visit Sagamore Hill, occasionally startles people when he shows up on the porch.
“People might think they have seen a ghost, he has such a physical resemblance,” said Charles Markis, Sagamore Hill’s chief of interpretation. “They’re sitting on chairs and he comes out, and they get this expression on their face.”
Once during a speech he was giving, an elderly lady asked Mr. Foote when he was going to give women the vote.
Mr. Foote grew up in Glenwood Landing. Two weeks after graduating from North Shore High
School in 1968, he was in the Navy. He returned home in 1972 and became a machinist.
It was the alchemy of a mustache and new glasses in 1975 that unexpectedly transformed him into a dead ringer for Roosevelt. Mr. Foote, who had a love of history but no particular interest in Roosevelt, was asked to march in a parade as the president, and his life as a re-enactor began.
It included working and volunteering at Sagamore Hill, which he still does occasionally. He studied Roosevelt and committed scores of his speeches, letters and writings to memory.
Playing a larger-than-life man has not swelled Mr. Foote’s head. “You can’t help feeling inadequate,” he said. But he and his muse share similar interests: “I keep active. I like to hike. I’m kind of a big kid too.”
Mr. Foote draws on his repertory of speeches and other writings with great accuracy, said John Hammond, Oyster Bay’s town historian. “One thing people really don’t realize is how much of a Theodore Roosevelt scholar Jim is,” Mr. Hammond said.
He called Mr. Foote’s effect on children “enormous.”
“It’s like a teacher in a school,” Mr. Hammond said. “They don’t know the impact they have. You’re planting a seed.”
Monday, July 28, 2008
BayKery Cafe owner Kieran Shea featured in Newsday
Even in tough economic times, it seems, there's always room for dessert, especially when the goodies are delivered by boat.
Such is the case along Oyster Bay's waterfront these days. Kieran Shea, 44, owner and head baker of The BayKery Cafe in the hamlet's downtown, takes the notion of "orders to go" to new heights - or depths. Since the store opened more than a year ago, customers craving sweets can bypass the cafe entirely and have their orders delivered to them directly on their docked boats, by either dinghy or on Shea's personal 1957 Chris Craft 19-footer, the Doodle Doo.
"People love the idea," Shea said from his nostalgia-adorned restaurant as he waited for a boat delivery order to be completed. "Right now some people deliver to town hall. For me, if you're going to deliver, why not make it someplace exciting? I just think it's a nice service to have."
Customers such as John McGrane, general manager of the Oyster Bay Marine Center marina, agree. McGrane, 54, said the dock has had an added buzz since Shea began making his unique deliveries. "A lot of our customers have used him," he said. "It's worked out kind of nice. He has a nice cuisine. ... You always feel good when you have good food, when your friends and guests enjoy themselves."
For full article, please visit:,0,3310009.story?track=rss
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Neighborhood Nights – Free and Fun Events Offered in Oyster Bay
Several venues have agreed to be open after hours to host these special events. Activities run from 6:00pm – 8:00pm each Thursday unless otherwise noted. Admission is free.
Neighborhood Nights is meant to provide a friendly and inviting atmosphere for area residents and families to enjoy the many special sites located throughout Oyster Bay.
The schedule of events and performers follows:
July 17, Thursday, Oyster Bay Historical Society presents Gavin Price, blues singer and guitarist at the Earle-Wightman House, 20 Summit Street, Oyster Bay. Also enjoy period children games, tours of the museum, and have a picnic in our garden.
July 22, TUESDAY, Sagamore Hill National Historic Site presents the Oyster Bay Community Band for a program of traditional band music under Steven Walker, Director. James Foote portraying Theodore Roosevelt will be on hand as well to meet and greet. This is our only Tuesday evening event. Performance will begin at 7pm
July 31, Thursday, Raynham Hall Museum will present Johnny Cuomo, a singer-songwriter who will be performing his repertoire of original, Americana and Irish influenced folk music. Children’s games such as “Graces” and “Rolling Hoops” will be provided for the children’s enjoyment, as well as free house tours for the whole family! At Raynham Hall Museum, 20 West Main Street, Oyster Bay.
August 7, Thursday, Several area musicians will take the stage as part of the Baykery Café’s ongoing Tastebuds & Tunes series. This event will start at 7pm and go as late as 10pm. The Baykery Café is located at 124 South St. in the hamlet of Oyster Bay.
August 14, Thursday, Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park presents Strummin' and Drummin', an interactive and fun kids show, on the Camellia Lawn. The show will start at 7pm and the Gift Shop, Main Greenhouse and historic Coe Hall all will be open from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.. Located at 1395 Planting Fields Rd, Oyster Bay.
August 21, Thursday, The Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center staff will lead your family on a rousing sing-a-long, conduct a live-animal demonstration, and escort you on a sensory hike. We’ll conclude the evening with our famous Sanctuary S’Mores. Pack a picnic, blanket or lawn chairs and enjoy the evening. Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center, 134 Cove Road, Oyster Bay.
August 28, Thursday, The series will conclude at Sagamore Hill National Historic Site with the always popular Park Ranger "campfire talk" in the picnic area behind the visitor center. This event will begin at 7PM as Park Rangers weave stories about the National Park Service and Sagamore Hill National Historic Site. Limited seating is available under the tent and visitors are encouraged to bring lawn chairs to the program.
Those with any questions may contact (516) 922-6982 or visit
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Facades on Prominent Downtown Buildings Get New Look
Two buildings on South Street, extending around the southwest corner on Audrey Avenue--and dating from the turn of the last century--received new paint colors and architectural details that aligned them more closely with their Victorian heritage.

On the storefront level these buildings house the Coin Gallery, Anthony’s Pizza, Gold Leaf Realty, Glamour Inn, Oyster Bay Barbers, and a space soon to become a cooking school. Businesses located on the second floor include Jennifer Quinn Designs, William A. Di Conza, attorney, Newport Engineering, Milestone Maintenance, and Strategizer Data Worms.

Larry Berkovitz, one of the owners of the Coin Gallery, is very pleased with the new look of the facade, and happy that his landlord chose such nice colors. He said, “I love the colors they chose. We think it’s fabulous that they’re sprucing up the town.”
Monday, June 23, 2008
Oyster Bay US Post Office looking more beautiful by the day

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
WaterFront Center Featured in Hamptons Magazine
For a full version of the article, visit:
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Downtown Oyster Bay made beautiful with addition of flowers

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Oyster Bay Blooms on May 24!
Volunteers are invited to meet at 8am at the Derby-Hall Bandstand on Audrey Ave. across from Town Hall. Groups will then be sent out to hang flowering baskets from historic style lampposts, while others plant flowers in sidewalk planters downtown.
This is just the latest of several successful initiatives taken on by the Joint Beautification Committee of the Oyster Bay Main Street Association and Chamber of Commerce. The committee was formed to improve the overall appearance of downtown Oyster Bay.
Accomplishments include working with the Town to place mulch around the bases of trees. Community Clean Up Day and most notably work to clean the Post Office grounds further helped to beautify the hamlet. Finally, the successful Spring Splendor fundraiser raised funds for hanging flower baskets and their maintenance.
Joint Beautification Committee Chair John Bonifacio stated, “We’re extremely thankful for the overwhelming amount of community support we’ve received thus far and are excited to see so many positive changes come about.”
Members of the Joint Beautification Committee include Chair John Bonifacio, Co-chair Muir de Guzman, Michele Browner, Alex Gallego, Claire Bellerjeau, and John Specce.
Those who would like to volunteer for the Joint Beautification Committee should contact the Oyster Bay Main Street Association at 516-922-6982 or
Monday, March 31, 2008
Oyster Bay Featured in Hamptons Magazine
For a full version of the article, visit:
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Residents weigh in on Teddy Roosevelt museum plan
From News 12 Long Island:
Residents of Oyster Bay voiced their opinions about a plan to build a museum honoring the town’s most famous resident, President Theodore Roosevelt. Officials hope to build a $100 million Theodore Roosevelt museum at Fireman's Field. Different ideas were discussed with residents at a community meeting...
For complete article and video, visit:
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Isaac D. Kremer Chosen as new Executive Director of Main Street Association

“We are happy to welcome Isaac Kremer to Oyster Bay and to our organization,” said Bill Sheeline, MSA President. “Isaac brings both unique skills and experience in historic preservation and revitalization that will enhance Main Street’s efforts in our hamlet.” Mr. Sheeline added, “We hope everyone will welcome Isaac as he familiarizes himself with the community and takes the reins from Joan, who has served our organization and our village so well for the past five years.”
Prior to joining Main Street, Kremer was a consultant specializing in historic preservation. His work included the documentation of over 100 Art Deco apartment houses in Manhattan’s north neighborhoods. He also helped building owners in Detroit to become eligible for the 20% Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit.
An expert in the Federal Preserve America program, Kremer helped three communities in Michigan receive designation as Preserve America communities. This distinction allowed each community to be eligible for up to $150,000 in grant monies for heritage tourism.
Kremer is a graduate of the City and Regional Planning program of Cornell University, where he received a Master’s Degree in Historic Preservation Planning, with specialization in architectural history and community development. He is a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and well versed in the Main Street Approach, a program developed by the National Trust to stimulate renewal in historic commercial districts. He will be attending the National Trust’s Main Street Meeting in Philadelphia at the end of March and meeting with colleagues from across the United States.
Speaking of his priorities and objectives as executive director, Kremer expressed his desire "to be a visible presence in the community on behalf of Main Street, and to listen and understand the needs and interests of as many people as possible."
Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Isaac Kremer.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Dan Burden of Walkable Communities will return to Oyster Bay

Dan Burden of Walkable Communities will return to Oyster Bay March 14 – 15, to help the community develop a vision for the Town of Oyster Bay’s Municipal Lot #06, also known as “Firemen’s Field.” The Oyster Bay Main Street Association, Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association are co-sponsors of the event, and additional sponsorships are still available. Mr. Burden, who has expertise as a community consensus builder, will serve as a neutral facilitator and will help the community address the concerns and opportunities raised by the Theodore Roosevelt Association’s (TRA) proposal to locate a Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Museum and Research Center at Municipal Lot #06.
The co-sponsors invite members of the community – no matter whether you are for, against, unsure, or simply want to learn more about the museum proposal – to attend a Walking Tour followed by a Town Meeting to consider the TRA proposal and it’s location at Firemen’s Field. Mr. Burden will also explore and respond to other suggestions the community proposes, such as a smaller scale TR Museum Visitors’ Center at the site for people arriving by train – in the event that the TRA finds another location that is a jitney ride away from the village – or other non-museum proposals for the site that may arise.
The Walking Tour at the proposed site will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning, March 15th; the Town Meeting will be held that afternoon from 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. at St. Dominic Canivan Hall auditorium located at the northwest corner of Anstice and Burtis Streets.
Dan Burden is a world-renowned expert in parking, traffic, streetscape, “placemaking” and walkability issues as well as an experienced facilitator with groups of opposing interests and opinions. He will be accompanied by an architect, Edward Erfurt, who can address concerns about the proposed museum’s scale and design.
Mr. Burden was first introduced to Oyster Bay in June of 2001 when he brought the community together in a four-day visioning session entitled, “Your Town, Your Future”. Many of the concepts developed by the people of Oyster Bay during the town meetings and design charrettes were written into the Oyster Bay Hamlet Plan, which was adopted by the Town Board in May of 2002. He last visited Oyster Bay in October 2004 when he provided an “audit” of the Oyster Bay Hamlet Plan. Both of these past engagements were sponsored by Main Street.
We are delighted that Dan Burden will be returning to Oyster Bay, a place he knows well, to help our community address the TR Museum proposal at Firemen’s Field. Dan brings 25 years of experience in towns and villages across America helping people resolve complex issues in a positive way. We hope you’ll join us for the Walking Tour and Town Meeting March 14 – 15.