Welcome to the 2010 Oyster Bay Art Walk! Please join us the 1st Thursday of each month from 7-9pm in Historic Oyster Bay. Our walk features an international spectrum of contemporary artists, displaying their work at several downtown locations. Many businesses and sites throughout the town will be displaying artwork. Many restaurants also will be exhibiting art and offering a percentage off on meals, wine tastings, and more. Live entertainment will take place, and restaurants and cafes will be open for coffee and dessert.

Art Walk Map, click to enlarge
These galleries and arts-related venues all will be open:
1. Chase Edwards Gallery, 15 East Main Street, chaseedwardsgallery.com
2. Atelier Fine Arts/Studio, 9 East Main Street, jerelynhanrahan.com
3. Art That Matters, 55 West Main Street, artthatmatters.com
4. the Teaching Studios of Art, 115 Audrey Avenue, teachingstudios.com
* 5. Peter Charles Designs, 17 East Main Street, petercharlesdesigns.com
* 5a. Maison Verte - Organic Green Products, 17A East Main Street, maisonverteny.com
* 6. Oyster Bay Frame Shop, 3 East Main Street, oysterbayframe.com
7. Chrison & Bellina, 24 Audrey Avenue
8. BayKery Cafe, 124 South Street
* 9. Teri's Color Creations, 5 East Main Street
* 10. Bens Garden, 95 Audrey Avenue, bensgarden.com
* Art Venues and Specialty Shops
Also, please be sure to patronize the following restaurants:
a. Canterbury's Oyster Bay, 46 Audrey Avenue, canterburyalesrestaurant.com/
b. Wild Honey, 1 East Main Street, wildhoneyrestaurant.com
c. Fiddleheads, 62 South Street, fiddleheadsnewyork.com
d. Cafe al Dente, 2 Spring Street, cafealdenteny.com
e. The Homestead, 107 South Street, homesteadoysterbay.com
f. The BayKery Cafe, 124 South Street,
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