Friday, February 13, 2009

Oyster Bay Project Featured in National Main Streets Conference

Excerpt from the 2009 Main Street Live Blog ( of the National Main Streets Conference follows...

To whet your appetite for great uses of social media for your program, I have a great example to share with you.

When the Oyster Bay Main Street Association in N.Y. realized that another big community meeting was scheduled for the same night as its annual meeting, the group decided to create a video of its meeting so it could expand the audience virtually. Using a hand-held voice recorder, they created an audio MP3 file of the presentations and then used Windows Movie Maker to coordinate the audio with the PowerPoint slides. In just a half hour, a video came together and was posted on YouTube and their blog. Almost 100 people checked out the video, which is more than the number of attendees at the actual meeting. All they used was the software that came with their computer and a hand-held voice recorder. They created the video and posted it and 100 people who couldn’t attend the meeting got to catch up on what they missed out on. How cool is that?!

Want to know exactly how they did it? Oyster Bay Main Street Association’s Executive Director Isaac Kremer created a quick tutorial video just for you.

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