Oyster Bay, New York - Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, the home of Theodore Roosevelt in Oyster Bay, Long Island, will present the Oyster Bay Community Band along with an appearance from Theodore Roosevelt as portrayed by James Foote on Thursday, July 22nd from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM with a rain date on Friday, July 23rd. Under the direction of Stephen Walker, the band will perform traditional American music such as marches. This event is free and open to all.
The first floor of Theodore Roosevelt’s Home will be open for visitation. People are encouraged to bring blankets or chairs to sit on the lawn. There will be no food concessions available, but please feel free to bring your own snacks to the event.

This event is part of the Oyster Bay Main Street Association organized “Sundown Series,” which brings people out to enjoy local cultural attractions with musical entertainment. For a full schedule of Sundown events visit: http://www.oysterbaymainstreet.org
For further information about these programs or Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, visit our website at www.nps.gov/sahi or call 516-922-4788.
Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, located at 12 Sagamore Hill Road, Oyster Bay, New York, is a unit of the National Park Service. The site was established by Congress in 1962 to preserve and interpret the structures, landscape, collections and other cultural resources associated with Theodore Roosevelt’s home in Oyster Bay, New York, and to ensure that future generations understand and appreciate the life and legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, his family and the significant events associated with him. The site is open seven days per week. Tours of the home are limited to fourteen persons and are offered on the hour from 10am to 4pm. Tour tickets are five dollars each and tickets are sold on a first-come-first-served basis for each day beginning at 9 AM. The grounds of Sagamore Hill are open year round from dawn to dusk. For further information, visit our website at www.nps.gov/sahi, or call 516-922-4788.
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